Climate division

The department’s Climate division takes a lead role to ensure that Queensland—our government agencies, communities, and businesses—can respond to climate change.

Our role

We play a central, coordinating role and work collaboratively with partners across all levels of government, the private sector, academia and the community to provide expert advice and enable others to take climate action.
Queensland’s changing climate requires us to build resilience and secure a sustainable future for our communities, environment and economy.
At the same time, global economic shifts towards lower-emissions industries and technologies are a significant opportunity for Queensland to attract investment, build new expertise, new industries—and new jobs.

Our targets

The Queensland Government is committed to climate action and has an established vision of ‘an innovative and resilient Queensland that manages the risks and harnesses the opportunities of a changing climate'.

In working towards that vision, Queensland has legislated targets to reduce emissions by:

  • 30% below 2005 levels by 2030
  • 75% below 2005 levels by 2035
  • net zero emissions by 2050.

We’ve already exceeded our 2030 target to reduce emissions based on the latest 2022 emissions data.

Our priorities

Climate strategies

We oversee climate strategies and make sure they’re implemented. These strategies are the:

Queensland Government agencies realise this vision by implementing policies and programs that reduce emissions and respond to climate impacts in their own operations and with their key stakeholders.

Climate data

We develop climate data that provides critical evidence for our policies and programs.

Climate division scientists track changes in our climate, model future scenarios and report on our progress towards reducing emissions.


We partner with organisations to improve access to information, business competitiveness, manage risk and realise new opportunities.

Our partners include the:

Queensland’s climate policies reflect the responsibility we all have to respond to climate change, and the need for targeted responses.

More information

Last updated
01 August 2023