
Buy Queensland 2023 harnesses government’s significant procurement investment to deliver excellent outcomes through leading procurement policy and practice.

As stewards of taxpayer money, we have a responsibility to:

  • conduct our procurement efficiently and effectively
  • ensure value for money in our procurement where this is more than just the lowest price, and involves advancing relevant government objectives
  • observe high standards of integrity, probity, and accountability commensurate with the objective, value and risk of the procurement.

Building on the success of Buy Queensland 2017, we will continue to put Queenslanders first when securing value for money, support ethical suppliers and undertake procurement with integrity, ensuring probity and accountability for outcomes. We will maintain the momentum on building our procurement capability, leveraging data and analytics to support our decision-making, and making it easier to do business with government.

Clarifying our ethical expectations on how we conduct our procurement and investing in our procurement capability allows us to support greater coordination, efficiency, effectiveness, and improve transparency, fairness, and market confidence, while reducing the risk of fraud and corruption.

Buy Queensland 2023 reinforces the importance of behaving ethically, and upholding integrity, probity and accountability in procurement.

Upholding this culture of ethics in procurement applies to everyone involved in procurement for the Queensland Government, from those who buy on an ad-hoc basis to procurement advisors, evaluation panel members and senior procurement delegates.

We can display this culture when undertaking procurement by:

  • complying with the Queensland Procurement Policy 2023, as well as all relevant legislation, policy, and codes
  • politely declining gifts or benefits from suppliers
  • declaring actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest as soon as we become aware of them
  • properly securing and managing sensitive, personal and confidential information
  • being fair and impartial
  • offering and providing timely and appropriate feedback to suppliers who have submitted tenders
  • actively managing contracts to monitor the delivery of obligations, and acting on the failure of suppliers to meet contractual obligations, including through contractual provisions or sanctions under the Ethical Supplier Mandate
  • facilitating timely payment of correctly rendered supplier invoices
  • documenting decisions.

As part of Buy Queensland 2023, we will be investing in our procurement capability through:

  • conducting procurement functional maturity and capability assessments
  • developing and tracking progress against procurement certification targets
  • mandating procurement awareness training for any employee new to purchasing or procurement.

Relevant resources

For more information on how we are demonstrating integrity, probity and accountability in procurement and investing in our procurement capability, refer to the following resources:

Last updated
12 December 2023